Grab and Go Anti Inflammatory Foods
Posted in Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, VitaminsHello again, I hope you have been reading and taking notes from this series of “Grab and Go” foods. My goal is to help you see that making healthy food choices can be as fast and easy as grabbing packaged goods. It all starts with a change of information. I want to help, so take […]
Grab and Go Antioxidants
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, VitaminsYou have probably heard about antioxidants before, or maybe not? The prefix anti means against, and oxidation is what antioxidants are against. What is oxidation? I will explain it as best I can. Oxidation is a chemical reaction where electrons are transferred from one molecule to another, and that is as scientific as I’m going […]
Grab and Go a banana and some nuts
Posted in Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, VitaminsI’m all about making life simple when it comes to eating. That does not fit everyone’s style, but if that is you then you are going to like my grab and go series that I’m working on to give you ideas for quick meals or snacks when you are on the run. You have probably […]
Apples and Boron for Osteoporosis
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, NutritionOsteoporosis is a very real concern for many women especially past menopause. I know none of us want to end up with broken hips or any other broken bones for that matter. We need several things to have strong bones. From the nutritional perspective we need calcium and vitamin D. Most of us know where […]
New Year New You…again
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, General, Health, NutritionI have read that getting fit is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, if not the most popular. I don’t know if it is still a “thing” to join a gym in January because you want to start the year off on the right foot, only to have those best intentions – for many solid reasons – fail. Is […]
How many steps do you get?
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, General, HealthIt has been the buzz that you need to get 10,000 steps a day to affect your health in a positive way. Some people are really motivated by that number and regularly attempt it and use their fitbit to track. I have had clients whose device keeps track of arm movements, hmmmm. I don’t think […]
Digital Health Coaching and Personal Training in the Lehigh Valley and beyond!
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, HealthYes, we live in the technology age where just about anything you want can be found on-line, and fitness is no exception! If you have been seriously thinking about getting started, and you can’t manage the travel to our studio for any reason, than this would be perfect. Weekly sessions and meetings can be done […]
Health is the best goal!
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, NutritionHow are you today? What are your health goals for 2020? Do you have any? Have you thought about it this year or has your busy schedule kept you in the same old routines? Where do you see yourself in a year from now if you keep doing what you have been doing? Did you […]
Set some good goals for 2020
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, VitaminsLet’s talk about the pancreas! Yep, I know that sounds exciting right. What’s my motto…or at least one of them, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. So what do I need the pancreas for when I can just fix my hair and makeup and look good on the outside?? As I […]
Fitness in the New Year
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, General, HealthWow 2020 is about here! Where does the time go? How about that fitness commitment you made for 2019 how did that work for you? If you made a new year’s resolution for 2019 that you didn’t fulfill don’t beat yourself up just get up and start again. How many times does it take to […]