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Is Garlic In Your Medicine Cabinet?

Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

There are those of us who believe Garlic to be a superfood and a must in the “medicine” cabinet. If you are a health fanatic like myself, you will already know the many benefits of garlic, but I hope to enlighten some of you who may not be aware of how valuable this spice can […]

Darla’s 5 diet rules

Posted in Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

Darla’s 5 diet rules   1. Love yourself first by learning to make healthy choices when you are at social events.Don’t be too concerned with what others may think about what you are or are not eating. . Eating is a part of every social society but if you eat bad you will feel bad […]

What your body needs versus what you may want to eat?

Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

I worked for a woman many years ago who was very dedicated to good nutrition and taking herbs and vitamins. She had shared her expertise with her family and with the community through her business and regular monthly meetings. I was very fortunate to be able to learn many things from her. She has since […]

How can omega-3 fatty acids and their essential benefits!

Posted in Exercise, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

Another name for Omega-3 Fatty Acids is Essential Fatty Acids. Essential by definition means absolutely necessary, extremely important. I was raising my oldest children during the 80’s when everything you read told you to cut fat out of your diet. I gave son number 2 skim milk based on what I was reading at the […]

Exercise and Eating Right without the Confusion

Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

Run, no don’t run, walk, no, that is not enough, eat meat no be vegan and eat for the planet. REALLY??? If you are the average hard working person who has little time to find the facts through all the verbiage then I hope to offer you some simple solutions. This is my soap box […]

Facts about the vitamins in your foods and what they do for your health.

Posted in Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

If we would take seriously that food is information to the body maybe we would work on sending better messages. I recently offered Part One of a class I called Vitamins A-Z about what your body needs. I will be sharing this class with you over my next several blogs. I started with the fact […]

Grab and Go Anti Inflammatory Foods

Posted in Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

Hello again, I hope you have been reading and taking notes from this series of “Grab and Go” foods. My goal is to help you see that making healthy food choices can be as fast and easy as grabbing packaged goods. It all starts with a change of information. I want to help, so take […]

Grab and Go Antioxidants

Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

You have probably heard about antioxidants before, or maybe not? The prefix anti means against, and oxidation is what antioxidants are against. What is oxidation? I will explain it as best I can.  Oxidation is a chemical reaction where electrons are transferred from one molecule to another, and that is as scientific as I’m going […]

Grab and Go a banana and some nuts

Posted in Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

I’m all about making life simple when it comes to eating. That does not fit everyone’s style, but if that is you then you are going to like my grab and go series that I’m working on to give you ideas for quick meals or snacks when you are on the run. You have probably […]

Grab and Go: Starting with A is for Apple

Posted in Food, General, Health, Nutrition, Vitamins

We are so busy all the time, aren’t we! So many obligations and time constraints that we don’t often have the time to prepare our meals. I will be talking about things we can “Grab and Go” in my next several blogs. Today let’s talk apples. When I was young there was a saying, “an […]

“Darla is a great trainer and fitness coach. When I first became a client, I was recovering from a shoulder injury. She made sure my routine was appropriate and continued to coach me to greater levels of stamina and strength. And, the cool thing is that she truly cares about what I want to accomplish. Now four years later, my doctor informed me that my “age markers” were those of someone 20 years younger than my chronological age.”

Connie from Easton, PA
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