What your body needs versus what you may want to eat?
Posted in Exercise, Fitness, Food, General, Health, Nutrition, VitaminsI worked for a woman many years ago who was very dedicated to good nutrition and taking herbs and vitamins. She had shared her expertise with her family and with the community through her business and regular monthly meetings. I was very fortunate to be able to learn many things from her. She has since passed and now I really wish I had taken more advantage of her knowledge.
She had a great grandson who was very young when I worked for her. He had been invited to a birthday party and had been offered a cupcake. When asked if he would like one his response was “well I would, but my body wouldn’t”. You could say he was brainwashed or very convinced. I often wonder if he still lives that kind of life, as I guess him to be about 30 now.
I hope that the blogs that I write evoke some contemplation within my readers about who is in charge of what you are eating. If your taste buds alone or your appetite or your unhealthy gut that craves sugars are in charge than you will be forever perpetuating a less than beneficial eating style. Many times we think it is ease that causes us to choose our foods, but often I think that is just not true. It is just as easy to grab a banana or another piece of fruit, a carrot, a hard boiled egg, a small cottage cheese, 10 almonds, celery sticks, radishes…oh I could go on, as it is to grab a bagel, a cookie, or something they call food through a drive through. We often crave food because our intestines are not in balance with the good and bad bacteria. The foundation of good health starts there. There are many good articles that go into depth on this subject and you would do well to check reputable sites.
For now I just want to remind you that real food, stuff that hasn’t been spoiled with chemicals, is what your body needs. You might be taking better care of your car and your material possessions or you pets than you are your own body. We take our cars for an oil change, our dogs for walks and give them healthy fish oil or flax oil. Your cars and pets will likely not last the duration of your lifetime. You want your body to be able to do all its’ important function to live a long quality life.
It may be time to take a serious look at who is in charge of what you are eating and if you a getting regular moderate exercise!