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Put on your 3D glasses and get in the best shape of your life

Posted in Exercise, Fitness, General, Health

Time to put on your 3D glasses to reach for success.

1: Decision: Everything you do starts in your mind first. Make the decision that you are going to start today. You have to see yourself doing it. Don’t focus on what you feel like, or how you have failed in the past. Yesterday is dead and gone, but today is a new beginning.

2: Determination: Pick a place, pick a mode, pick a trainer (like me), pick a time and the day….no time like the present. Remember to be realistic and use caution if you are just getting started. Train smart then hard.  There are so many options, 7 minute workouts, 10 minute workouts, a walk outside, and hiring a trainer (like me). A good trainer  (like me) can help you with the best and safest ways for you to train effectively.

3. Diligence: My motto is consistency, consistency, consistency. A little every day is better than “kill yourself” for two hours one day a week. Don’t let your self talk be negative. Don’t say I don’t have enough time. Say I have 5 minutes I can do…..up and down the stairs 10 times, I can do squats and sit ups, I can march or jog in place..come on! Throw down the excuses and pick up the habit of getting it done. It takes just as long to tell yourself you don’t have time as it does to get started and get done!

Give it a try, get started and then just keep it going! It is bound to have a beneficial effect, enough to make you feel accomplished and excited about being in the best shape of your life.


“Great workout today, for the first day of a new plan!!! And any day! The best decision I have ever made of my life, health, fitness, and well being going forward is putting my faith in you! You’re the best on all levels!