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Let’s start again!

Posted in General

Have you started a fitness program and fizzled out? That is exactly how I am with this blog! I get excited start something and then….fizzle fizzle! So how about if we get up and start again, maybe this will be the time we stick with it! Why not, I remind people all the time about the things they have already been successful at to help them believe that fitness can become a lifestyle and not just a phase. Many of you have completed college, raised children or still are, maybe you are helping with a grandchild. All commitments take determination and sacrifices of time and energy. If there is one important point I can and will continue to make, it’s that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Staying well is so much better than having to get well! You with me????! Even if you are not ready to hire me yet, just keep reading my blog weekly and I will coach you in the right direction!

“Great workout today, for the first day of a new plan!!! And any day! The best decision I have ever made of my life, health, fitness, and well being going forward is putting my faith in you! You’re the best on all levels!